Is Sourcing and Procurement the Same

 With the advent of online shopping, it becomes easier for online shoppers to share their thoughts on products or services. Henceforth, your purchasers have the ability to form and break your business. Therefore, you must proactively use your customers’ feedback to improve your product or services. Furthermore, sourcing ensures that future procurement needs are anticipated, avoiding situations that could harm the company’s reputation. As a result, good leaders understand the importance of strategic sourcing when it comes to supply stability. That is to say, sourcing and procurement are critical when providing goods and services. 

What is Sourcing?

Undoubtedly, sourcing services are imperative in today’s fast-paced supply chain world. As we know, it is the method of vetting, selecting, and managing suppliers ‘who’ will give the inputs needed by a company. Plus, suppliers are accountable for conducting analysis, implementing strategy, and choosing suppliers ‘who’ meet these aforementioned criteria. That is to say, sourcing maintains the organization’s offer chain and ensures that the organization has access to the tools it needs to satisfy its objectives and goals. As the name implies, sourcing focuses on making sources available through which the company’s needs will flow. 

What is Procurement?

Procurement is obtaining or purchasing goods or services, usually for business purposes. Businesses must solicit services or purchase goods on a large scale. Hence, procurement is most commonly associated with businesses as it helps businesses in making final purchasing decisions. As buyers or sellers, companies can be on both sides of the procurement process. Procurement budgets typically provide managers with a specific dollar amount that they can spend to obtain the goods or services they require. As a result, it is an important part of a company’s strategy. Therefore, the capacity to purchase particular products or services can affect whether operations are successful or not.

Difference between Sourcing and Procurement?

As we have already discussed the key differences between sourcing and procurement, it can be said that sourcing is in charge of selecting suitable suppliers and negotiating the best contract terms. Therefore, it entails defining the need, conducting market research, organizing sourcing events, and negotiating contracts. Also, it takes a strategic approach and is concerned with who supplies the goods. In the end, the goal is to reduce costs and build a strong supply chain.

To clarify, procurement is responsible for acquiring high-quality goods at the right time to meet the needs of the company. Above all, procurement services providers are all-rounders and can entail numerous processes and steps such as sourcing, requisitioning, purchasing orders, and managing contracts. It manages supplier relationships and focuses on ‘what’ and ‘how’ goods are supplied. Hence we can say, procurement is multi-stage and involves complex processes.

Are Sourcing and Procurement the Same?

To sum up, sourcing and procurement services are closely related but distinct operational processes in charge of acquiring goods and services for an organization. As a result, both are essential in maintaining an efficient supply chain that allows a company to consistently deliver goods and services to its customers. A solid sourcing and procurement strategy is essential.  Undoubtedly, it will keep costs under control and ensure that there are no supply gaps.  This way, you can speed up production without sacrificing quality. No supply chain is unbreakable. However, with careful business planning, you can definitely ensure that you are not sidelined for long.
